International Conference on Leadership in Education 2024

Theme: Reimagining Educational Leadership for a Changing World

Educational conferences are essential for professional development, fostering collaboration among educators, researchers, and stakeholders. The International Conference on Leadership in Education brings together educators, administrators, and thought leaders from around the world to explore the future of learning. This conference focuses on enhancing leadership in education across diverse avenues like research, artificial intelligence, digitalization, sustainability, language learning, and STEM education. The conference will offer specific sessions or tracks geared towards different levels of experience or areas of focus within education (e.g., K-12 vs. higher education, specific subject areas). The conference audience will be within the educational field and it will foster collaboration and exchange of ideas among those with diverse roles and perspectives.
This conference will include:
• Empowering leaders: Developing effective leadership strategies for a changing educational landscape.
• Leveraging technology: Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence, digitalization, and other emerging technologies to enhance learning outcomes.
• Promoting sustainability: Fostering educational practices that promote environmental responsibility and social justice.


• Equipping Edu-Leaders
• Leading Education Through Artificial Intelligence
• Building Environmental Responsibility in Education
• Building Bridges in International Educational Leadership
• The Global Classroom: Sharing Best Practices in Educational Leadership
• nnovation, Equity, and Sustainability in Education

Who can Join?

The “International Conference on Leadership in Education” would be aimed at a broad audience within the educational field.
• Educators: This includes teachers, professors, instructors, and other professionals directly involved in teaching.
• Educational Leaders: This encompasses school principals, superintendents, deans, and administrators who oversee educational institutions.
• Educational Researchers: These are individuals who research various aspects of education, curriculum
development, and learning methodologies.
• Stakeholders in Education: This could include policy makers, representatives from educational NGOs,
curriculum developers, and educational technology
• Students of Education: Graduate students pursuing
degrees in education or related fields could benefit from exposure to current trends and leadership strategies.

What will you gain?

• Network with a global community of educators.
• Discover practical solutions for achieving educational leadership at all levels.
• Explore cutting-edge research and best practices.

Here's what you need to know

• Format: Hybrid. Parallel sessions will be held virtually on August 2nd, with a high-level segment on August 3rd offering both virtual and in-person participation.
• Call for Presenters: Submit your abstract by following the instructions below (details not included here but likely on the conference website).
• Open to Observers: You can still attend the conference even if you’re not presenting. Register on the conference website (opening in April 2024).

Join us for a transformative experience!

• Global Collaboration: Connect with leading scholars from around the world.
• Cutting-Edge Insights: Discover new research, ideas, and practical solutions.
• Real-World Challenges and Opportunities: Explore pressing issues and strategies for success.
• Inspiring Program: Engage in thought-provoking
sessions over three days.

Call for Abstracts

ICLE 2024 invites abstracts within 7 themes, each with dedicated tracks. Ensure your abstract directly relates to a specific theme and track.
o English Language Education
   • Foreign Languages Education & Applied Linguistics (including ESL/TESL/TEFL)
   • Challenging & Preserving: Culture, Inter/
Multiculturalism & Language
o Science Education
   • Assessment Theories & Methodologies
   • Curriculum Design & Development
   • Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary & Transdisciplinary Education
o Artificial Intelligence in Education
   • Design, Implementation & Assessment of Innovative AI Technologies in Education
o Environmental Responsibility in Education
   • Education, Sustainability & Development
o International Educational Leadership
   • Policy, Leadership, Management & Administration
   • Research, Development & Publishing
   • Counselling, Guidance & Adjustment in Education

o Best Practices in Educational Leadership
   • Learning Experiences, Student Learning & Learner Diversity
   • Teaching Experiences, Pedagogy
o Innovation, Equity, and Sustainability in Education

Interested presenters should submit an abstract of at least 300 words but not exceeding 500 words, in English, by June 30, 2024, via the form below. Each abstract may only be submitted once and under one track. Failure to answer questions on the submission form or the submission of the same abstract under multiple tracks is likely to result in the abstract being declined.
The conference committee will review abstracts and send all decision letters by 05 July, 2024. Abstracts can be accepted as either poster or oral (i.e. PowerPoint) presentations. Presenters invited to give oral presentations may submit a full paper by 20th July 2024, in order to maintain their position in the conference journal. Presenters who do not register before the July 25th, 2024, deadline may also forfeit their spot in the agenda.

Abstract Timeline

March 10 : Call for Abstracts Open
June 30 : Deadline for Submission of Abstracts
July 05 : Abstract Decision Letters Emailed
July 15 : Full Papers Due (only abstracts accepted
for oral presentation)
July 20 : Registration Deadline for Presenters

Contact Information

Please contact us at the following numbers or email address:

Phone: +8801729230249



All fees are reflected in USD currency.
Important Note : Registration is only confirmed upon receipt of payment by the conference secretariat.

ICEL 2024