Stream of Activities
Observing the tremendous and inspiring success of GEIST International Foundation (Bangladesh Chapter), initiatives were taken by the state alumnicommunity working in Ukraine to set up an international outstation of GEIST in Ukraine and assist in taking the cause of GEIST in Ukraine. Considerable number of schools and colleges in different regions of Ukraine are now a part of the GEIST Partner Schools (GPSs). And GEIST Ukraine Chapter is working hard in creating a youth generation who are knowledgable, skilled and competent. Various types of programs such as quizzes, competitions, workshops, seminars are organized on a periodic basis on various time responsive issues by accumulating teachers, students and educators of Ukraine. In the year 2019, GEIST Ukraine Chapter opened the curtains for its first installation of an international conference under the banner of GEIST International Foundation where participants from all around the world took part in and collaborated constructivey on the integration of STEAM education in cultural awareness and sustainable transformation.