Wheels of Change

GEIST International Foundation was selected as one of the sub grantees for a project targeting Prevention of Violent Extremism (PVE) and educating the concepts of PVE to the youths of Dhaka city. This project was funded by Global Community Engagement & Resilience Fund (GCERF), facilitated by PEACE Consortium Bangladesh & Rupantar. GEIST proposed an online intensive training module where facilitators
taught the concepts of PVE, Social Media Literacy and Nonviolent Conflict Management by involving students of 2 English Medium Schools, 2 Madrasah and 2 universities at Dhaka. The ultimate goal of the training sessions was be to collaborate with the students in materializing a Modus Operandi which would focus on the three core aspects mentioned above. Also, a cohort comprising the students of the project was formed which would propose the Modus Operandi in front of the institution authorities so that they adopted this model in order to spread awareness and shape the attitude and mindset of the students in their institutions.