English Access Microscholarship Program, funded by the US Department of State

The English Access Micro Scholarship Program (Access) is a scholarship program funded by the US Department of State in relation with the Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. It provides a foundation of English language skills to bright, economically disadvantaged students, primarily between the ages of 13 to 20, in their home countries. Access programs give participants English skills that may lead to better jobs and educational prospects. Participants also gain the ability to compete for and participate in future exchanges and study in the United States.

English is spoken in almost all the major countries of the world as a form of second language. However, many developing countries are failing to utilize the opportunities provided by English learning due to insufficient resources. The issue is prominent among the economically disadvantaged class of most communities outside the native speaking countries.

The Access program facilitates the bright minds of these communities to not only hone their skills in English, but to utilize it for personal development and subsequent development of the community as part of the exchange program.

Since its inception in 2004, approximately 150,000 students in more than 80 countries have participated in the Access Program.

In Bangladesh, GEIST International foundation has been a key partner with the United States State Department in realizing the Access program. The organisation has successfully organised the Access Micro scholarship program and the awardees were chosen based on the selective criteria. The US Embassy also worked closely with GEIST International foundation to conduct and oversee the entire project.