Project Tiktaalik

Project Tiktaalik is a web based e-learning platform for kids. It was founded by Nasrin Sultana Mitu who also serves as its editor.

In the context of Bangladesh, education is considered to be less accessible compared to the standards of the developed nations. Students are often forced into the educational curriculum that is not tailored for a child. To ensure the proper development and mental growth of a child. It is necessary to formulate an education structure that is both interesting and enjoyable.

With an aim to make education a fun and enjoyable part of a child’s life, project Tiktaalik was born. The organisation understands the need for a creative engaging content for the education of a child.

The content of project Tiktaalik is designed to be visually appealing and promote curiosity within a child. In its pilot project, the organisation is working with a science education based approach where they present elementary science in a fun and creative manner.

GEIST International educators has been working closely with the project and has been a key partner in modernizing the approach to science studies for the children. The Project is also supported by the United States Department of States and the assistance is offered through the United States Embassy in Dhaka.